Gorenje Fridge Door Bottle Shelf 543269 475x100mm
- Description
The door shelf for bottles for the Gorenje 543269 refrigerator is designed for organizing and conveniently storing various bottles and beverage containers. It offers specially designed space where you can place the bottles vertically or horizontally, providing them with a stable position and preventing possible falls or damage. With this shelf, you will have optimal utilization of space in the refrigerator and convenient access to your favorite beverages.
Dimensions: 475x100mm.
- Specifications ManufacturerGorenjeCompatibilityGorenjeTypeFor bottlesDimensions, mm475x100MaterialPlasticType of spare partShelfColorTransparentLength, mm475AppointmentFor the refrigerator
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- Gorenje 461-97982595303HDS 20100
- Gorenje 709.606 8135478HZOS356602
- Gorenje APM 6805595841HZS 336200
- Gorenje APM 6825595601HZS 336200
- Gorenje ART.NR.842.956595732HZS 286600
- Gorenje D 729-7Y595301HTS 286100
- Gorenje D 730-7Y595302HDS 20100
- Gorenje EMK350113981HZOS336602
- Gorenje ESK-261TOP100814HZS276603
- Gorenje ESK-317TOP155645HZS326601
- Gorenje FA28R/1615189HTS286100
- Gorenje FC33R/1615192HZOS336100
- Gorenje FD 26 R/1615190HZS 276100
- Gorenje FD33R/1615191HZS326100
- Gorenje K256JADEGRUN595950HZS276600
- Gorenje K256MAISGELB595951HZS 276600
- Gorenje K256OPLA615840HZS276606
- Gorenje K286OPLA695877HZS286605
- Gorenje K336JADEGRUN595953HZOS336600
- Gorenje K336MAISGELB595952HZOS336600
- Gorenje K337/2AL665702HZOS336602
- Gorenje K337/2AL4695587HZOS336602
- Gorenje K357/2AL105367HZOS356600
- Gorenje K357/2AL665703HZOS356600
- Gorenje KG256CA4/1153744HZS276604
- Gorenje KRK6333W181579HZS336603
- Gorenje OT270BL280810HTS286602
- Gorenje OT270JO280809HTS286602
- Gorenje OT270LG280818HTS286602
- Gorenje OT270RP280819HTS286602
- Gorenje OT270S290262HTS286601
- Gorenje OT270SI280811HTS286602
- Gorenje OT270VR280820HTS286602
- Gorenje PL311A113410HZS336602
- Gorenje PLC310W115341HZS336600
- Gorenje RB6285OC101911HTS286603
- Gorenje RB6285OC110415HTS286600
- Gorenje RB6285OC147073HTS286600
- Gorenje RB6285OC695862HTS286600
- Gorenje RB6285OC-L180796HTS286600
- Gorenje RB6286OC188244HTS286604
- Gorenje RB6288BK256506HTS286601
- Gorenje RB6288OA180126HTS286605
- Gorenje RB6288OA198238HTS286604
- Gorenje RB6288OA-L226663HTS286603
- Gorenje RB6288OB179901HTS286605
- Gorenje RB6288OBK237692HTS286605
- Gorenje RB6288OBK282760HTS286602
- Gorenje RB6288OC137375HTS286603
- Gorenje RB6288OC179905HTS286605
- Gorenje RB6288OC198236HTS286603
- Gorenje RB6288OC282757HTS286602
- Gorenje RB6288OC-L226661HTS286603
- Gorenje RB6288OG179796HTS286603
- Gorenje RB6288OGR276406HTS286602
- Gorenje RB6288OGR282755HTS286602
- Gorenje RB6288OGR-L282744HTS286602
- Gorenje RB6288OO276407HTS286602
- Gorenje RB6288OO282754HTS286602
- Gorenje RB6288OO-L282746HTS286602
- Gorenje RB6288OP276405HTS286602
- Gorenje RB6288OP282756HTS286602
- Gorenje RB6288OP-L282745HTS286602
- Gorenje RB6288OR179903HTS286604
- Gorenje RB6288OR198237HTS286604
- Gorenje RB6288OR237628HTS286604
- Gorenje RB6288OR282758HTS286602
- Gorenje RB6288OR-L226662HTS286603
- Gorenje RF 208595582HTS 286100
- Gorenje RF 228595584HZS 276100
- Gorenje RF 238595585HZS 326600
- Gorenje RF 338595586HZOS 336600
- Gorenje RF285595648HZS286100
- Gorenje RF6275OA198232HZS276606
- Gorenje RF6275OA-L226647HZS276603
- Gorenje RF6275OC198209HZS276606
- Gorenje RF6275OC-L226645HZS276605
- Gorenje RF6275OR198210HZS276606
- Gorenje RF6275OR-L226646HZS276605
- Gorenje RF6276OA180813HZS276607
- Gorenje RF6276OB180812HZS276607
- Gorenje RF6276OBK237694HZS276606
- Gorenje RF6276OC180810HZS276607
- Gorenje RF6276OG180814HZS276604
- Gorenje RF6276OR180811HZS276607
- Gorenje RF6325OA198241HZS326604
- Gorenje RF6325OA-L226666HZS326604
- Gorenje RF6325OC110425HZS326602
- Gorenje RF6325OC198239HZS326604
- Gorenje RF6325OC226664HZS326604
- Gorenje RF6325OR198240HZS326604
- Gorenje RF6325OR226665HZS326603
- Gorenje RF6326OA180797HZS326605
- Gorenje RF6326OB180795HZS326603
- Gorenje RF6326OC180793HZS326605
- Gorenje RF6326OG180799HZS326603
- Gorenje RF6326OR180794HZS326605
- Gorenje RFE256B5135581HZS276603
- Gorenje RK6285OA198235HZS286605
- Gorenje RK6285OA226650HZS286604
- Gorenje RK6285OAL101909HZS286606
- Gorenje RK6285OC101908HZS286605
- Gorenje RK6285OC110421HZS286602
- Gorenje RK6285OC198233HZS286605
- Gorenje RK6285OC695861HZS286603
- Gorenje RK6285OC-L180875HZS286603
- Gorenje RK6285OC-L226648HZS286604
- Gorenje RK6285OR103979HZS286606
- Gorenje RK6285OR198234HZS286605
- Gorenje RK6285OR226649HZS286604
- Gorenje RK6286OA180820HZS286605
- Gorenje RK6286OB180819HZS286605
- Gorenje RK6286OBK237698HZS286605
- Gorenje RK6286OC180815HZS286606
- Gorenje RK6286OG180822HZS286604
- Gorenje RK6286OR180817HZS286606
- Gorenje RK6336A147673HZOS336602
- Gorenje RK6337AL102016HZOS336602
- Gorenje RK6337AL695810HZOS336602
- Gorenje RK6356A148888HZOS356602
- Gorenje RK6357AL102011HZOS356602
- Gorenje RK6357AL695814HZOS356602
- Gorenje RK6358A145046HZOS356602
- Gorenje RSR6037I174937HTS286602
- Gorenje RSR6037S174938HTS286600
- Gorenje RST6057I174939HZS326603
- Gorenje RST6057S174940HZS326603
- Gorenje S 28 STRP595245HTS 286100
- Gorenje S 290595530HDVS 286100
- Gorenje S 30 STRP/1595999HZS 326100
- Gorenje S 32 STRP595948HZOS 336100
- Gorenje S 350 DP C595930HZS 326100
- Gorenje S 8320 DP595548HZS 31100
- Gorenje S28 STRP/1595998HTS 286100
- Gorenje S280DP595532HZS 276100
- Gorenje S280DPB595928HZS276100
- Gorenje S286DPA4132889HZS276604
- Gorenje S286DPA5255295HZS276606
- Gorenje S28J172018HDVS286600
- Gorenje S28SASO560400HTS286101
- Gorenje S28STA1139529HTS286602
- Gorenje S28UL149950HTS286101
- Gorenje S28UL411555HTS286102
- Gorenje S28UL1499137HTS286101
- Gorenje S290B595924HDVS286100
- Gorenje S297A4132886HTS286603
- Gorenje S297A5255302HTS286603
- Gorenje S30 STRP595697HZS 326100
- Gorenje S30J167923HZS326600
- Gorenje S30STRP5194306HZS326604
- Gorenje S30STRPU266289HZS326603
- Gorenje S32J167922HZS336600
- Gorenje S32STRP/1615150HZOS336100
- Gorenje S32STRP5194140HZOS336603
- Gorenje S32STRPU266293HZOS336602
- Gorenje S33STRP4105633HZS326602
- Gorenje S33STRP5196914HZS326602
- Gorenje S350DP595533HZS 326100
- Gorenje S356DPA4132913HZS326603
- Gorenje S356DPA5255297HZS326605
- Gorenje S356DPA5X263186HZS326603
- Gorenje S6293BW137374HS296600
- Gorenje S8270DP595547HDS20100
- Gorenje S8320DPC595932HZS31100
- Gorenje SK 28 C595934HZS 286100
- Gorenje SK 31 C595937HZS 336200
- Gorenje SK 32595535HZOS 336100
- Gorenje SK 32 C595940HZOS 336100
- Gorenje SK28595531HZS 286100
- Gorenje SK31595534HZS336200
- Gorenje SK316A4123109HZS336604
- Gorenje SK316A5255298HZS336602
- Gorenje SK316A5X263184HZS336602
- Gorenje SK326A4132915HZOS336603
- Gorenje SK326B4695729HZOS336601
- Gorenje TU 300595536HS 296100
- Gorenje TU 300B595926HS 296100
- Gorenje TU306A4132912HS296602
- Gorenje TU306A5255323HS296602
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