Gorenje Cooker Burner Cap (Middle) 308640
Product code: 18527
Stock No: 308640
- Description
Gorenje Cooker Burner Cap (Middle) 308640. Genuine Gorenje cap. Diameter: 69mm.
- Specifications ManufacturerGorenjeCompatibilityGorenjeFormAverageDiameter, mm69Type of spare partDividersColorBlackAppointmentFor gas cooker
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- Gorenje CC700I344451257D.8203
- Gorenje CC700W465968257D.1202
- Gorenje CC750I465943257D.8201
- Gorenje G51101AW344500152D.1203
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- Gorenje G51203IBR241346152D.6206
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- Gorenje GI52CLI1344531157D.3204
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- Gorenje GIN53220ABR241516158C.6200
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- Gorenje GN51102ABR0344444152C.6203
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- Gorenje GN51103ABE465965152C.3202
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- Gorenje K57303AWM344499257D.1203
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- Gorenje KN51102AW465994251C.1201
- Gorenje KN51202AW465995251C.1201
- Gorenje KN55102ABR344445255C.6203
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